1. 本次赛事所有奖项均为个人赛奖励,奖金按照《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》需征收20%的个人所得税。组委会将代扣选手的个人所得税,并且代选手向国家税务局缴纳个人所得税。选手可以在赛事结束三个月后,通过个税app查询缴税记录(代扣代缴单位:北京诺迪维管理顾问有限公司)。
The prize money is subject to the individual income tax law of the People's Republic of China, which shall be subject to the IIT rate of 20%. The OC will withhold the IIT of the contestants and pay the IIT to the National Tax Bureau on their behalf. Players can check their tax records through the IIT App three months after the event (the withholding company is also the event's executive company: Beijing Nordic Ways Management Consulting Co., LTD.)
2. 奖金按达到的比赛成绩要求对应发放。所有获奖选手的成绩在赛事官方网站公示10日后,并确认无问题后再行发放。 如果发现犯规或其他作弊行为的选手,取消该名次和奖金,后面名次不递增。
The prize money shall be paid according to the achievement requirements of the competition. The results of all winners will be published on the official website 10 days after the event and prize money will be released after confirmation that there are no problems. If a competitor is found with foul or other cheating behavior, the ranking and prize money will be cancelled,and the following ranking will not be increased.
One form for one prize money. if the winner has won more than 1 prize , he/she should submit different form for different prize money.
4. 获奖选手需要出席颁奖仪式。不出席颁奖仪式的选手,视为主动放弃奖金。放弃的奖金不递推至其他选手。
Winners are required to attend the award ceremony. The winner who does not attend the award ceremony shall be deemed as giving up the prize.
5.查询奖金相关事宜,请联系jiajia.liu@nordicways.com 或者010-85802091
For enquiries, please contact jiajia.liu@nordicways.com